Does Humility Require Courage?

Jodie StevensHow often I have cried out: “Lord, please help me!”

All the while knowing the ball in my court was being blocked by pride and fear.

I memorized every curve of the phone the morning I held it 2 hours before mustering up the courage to call and ask for help to quit drinking.

My husband often tells me about the time he fell to his knees on the bathroom floor after seeing his nearly 320 pound self in the mirror, and how heavy the door of the gym felt when he finally opened it.

Today he’s 130 pounds lighter and over 12 years sober and he’ll tell you what caused this amazing transformation: humility and courage.  Rivals pride and fear convince us we can manage the pain by ourselves.

C.S. Lewis wrote: “Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.”

Therefore, if humility is a virtue, (and I believe it is) we need to pray for the courage to ‘humbly’ take the necessary action to be victorious over our struggles and addictions.


Jodie Stevens

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sharon Wurst says:

    Thank you for these encouraging words.


  2. Joanna Jullien says:

    Love this thought. You are one of the most courageous people I know. Love to you!

    Joanna Jullien


    Banana Moments Foundation: Help for Parenting in the Social Network

    Coalition for Placer Youth


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