A Message from the Apostle Peter

A message from the Apostle Peter-a first century Christian. He was jailed and beaten; watched his fellow Christians die; and watched the church scatter. And he said that because of God‘s great mercy, we have been born again. We have a priceless inheritance that is kept for us in heaven which is beyond reach of…

The Gift of Scarcity

Not all gifts are good. Anyone who has ever left a White Elephant gift exchange with a roll of ‘novelty’ toilet paper can attest to this! However, James 1:17 tells us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting…

The Impossible Odds of Christmas

Everyone I know celebrates Christmas. However, many of them don’t really know why we celebrate. The Old Covenant God established with the Israelites demanded the shedding of blood through animal sacrifices to atone for Sin. I know it sounds kind of awful. It is. You see, the ultimate penalty for sin is death. Most people…

Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls (alert-academic paper)

It’s been a while since my last post. I’m earning my Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership…so, it’s been tough to keep up on blogging. I don’t usually (well, I should say never) post my papers because they are rather academic. However, I thought I would share this one and create a ‘Theology Section’ to post…

The Top Two Ways to Finish Well

Success means many different things to different people. However, most people I know want to ‘do life’ well, and that includes finishing well. You probably know someone who was super successful and appeared to have it all together. Then as they grew older, they seemed to fall apart emotionally and spiritually. What happened we wonder? …

How to Hear God’s Voice – Part 3

In my last post I talked about why it is important to hear from God. More than getting what we want and need out of life; it is about loving others, spiritual transformation, and living in the Kingdom of God right here on earth. But, how do we hear from God?  Of course, one way…

How To Hear God’s Voice – Part 2

In my last post I talked about how in our desire to hear God’s voice regarding the various things in our lives, we often forget one thing…God is love. 1 John chapter 4 tells us: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows…

How To Hear God’s Voice – Part 1

There are so many reasons why we would want to hear from God directly. Here are a few questions we might have: What does God have planned for my future? Should I take that job? Where is the person I’m supposed marry? What should I do with my life? In all of our asking, one…

When the Depth of your Faith is Proven Through Pain

The last five years have been tumultuous to say the least. I experienced a friend’s betrayal in a business endeavor gone awry. The death of my brother in 2015 marked a tragic end to his twenty-five-year battle with addiction leaving irreversible physical and emotional family scars. I sought relief in the one place I though…


Grace is God Acting in my life to accomplish what I cannot accomplish on my own – Dallas Willard It’s amazing to realize God‘s grace is so much more than forgiveness of our sins-heaven is it’s eternal reward; but God wants His grace to flow through us in this life to achieve what we can’t…

God Doesn’t Wait to Settle the Score

God can take our wrongs and use them to create beauty, restoration and victory. He is compassion and forgiveness. Rarely do we face the full consequences of our actions, when we acknowledge them and seek the Lord in humility. Genesis tells the story of Joseph’s jealous brothers who plot to kill him. As they are…